I have been working on building this website up a lot lately, including making a "Best Of" section to help navigate the thousands of archived posts. This led me back to my first interaction with Midtown Lunch- the time I was profiled as a 23 year old paralegal. Though that was many years ago, looking back on my favorite food items, not much has changed! Doing my best at not aging is an obsession of mine, I should probably worry less about that and sometimes its important to have a reminder of how far you come, what you have learned, and that there is always adventure to be had. It is a good feeling to know that I have since been able to eat some of my favorite dishes in their country of origin (dim sum, roti canai, pho, lechon) I have moved to a new city, explored every inch of it, and made it mine, I graduated law school and passed the bar, and then made the brave decision a career in law wasn't for me (still looking for the perfect job in community development or event planning #hollaatmewithleads). I started a food tour business as a side job and helped people expand their palates. It all started with that tongue and this post, realizing people liked my voice and that I could help people by sharing my food adventures. It's an honor an a privilege to be trusted with your appetites and there is only more to come if you'll let me.

23 and hungry

nowhere close to 23, still hungry